We welcome information about research using EPOP Survey data. Please notify us at if you have research—a journal article, research brief, book chapter, or other publication—which you would like displayed on this page.

AEO Studies Black Business Ownership

The Association for Enterprise Opportunity (AEO) analyzed Black business ownership using US Census and EPOP Survey data.  The AEO report covers the growth achieved and challenges remaining for Black entrepreneurs.

Learn More February 2024
Entrepreneurial Background and the Path to Business Ownership: Evidence from EPOP:2023

The EPOP Survey Project released a second year of data, collected in 2023, on entrepreneurship in the U.S.  Now two years of EPOP public use data are available for understanding business ownership, freelancing, gig work, and related employment activities.  Besides comparing 2022 and 2023 results, NORC’s latest research brief “Entrepreneurial Background and the Path to Business Ownership: Evidence from EPOP:2023” examines serial entrepreneurship—owning multiple businesses either previously or simultaneously.  This research presents intriguing findings on pathways to entrepreneurial success, particularly among those with prior business ownership experience.

Learn More November 30, 2023
Optimizing Address-based Sample Outreach: Findings from a Late-Stage Contacting Experiment

Katie Johnson, Research Methodologist at NORC, presented on an EPOP:2023 data collection methods experiment at the 2023 Midwest Association for Public Opinion Research (MAPOR) Conference. The controlled experiment compared the impact of sending a text message versus a USPS postcard to the control treatment in increasing survey response.

Learn More November 17, 2023
Prosperity Now Uses EPOP Data to Learn about Entrepreneurs of Color

Prosperity Now has been a persistent voice championing economic opportunity to build power for all communities and advance racial and ethnic economic justice.  Leveraging EPOP Survey data, Prosperity Now analyzed the unique experiences of entrepreneurs of color.  Their October 2023 report “From Start to Exit: Insights and Implications from Former Entrepreneurs of Color” focuses on former business owners of color and the challenges they face.  Their November 2023 report “Employee Benefits Offered by Entrepreneurs of Color” investigates the degree to which diverse business owners offer health insurance and other benefits to their employees.

Learn More October 2023
Characteristics of Gig Workers in the US: Evidence from the EPOP Survey

Quentin Brummet, EPOP Principal Investigator, gave this presentation to the Outsourcing Research Network Workshop at the Harris School, University of Chicago.

Learn More June 16, 2023
EPOP in Indiana: Reports and Data

NORC conducted the Entrepreneurship in the Population: Indiana (EPOP-IN) project on behalf of the Central Indiana Corporate Partnership (CICP).  The project included both quantitative and qualitative data collection.  EPOP-IN produced these reports and data:

  • EPOP-IN Release Research Brief
    This brief provides a profile of entrepreneurship activities in Indiana.  Also, the brief focuses on major challenges facing current and former entrepreneurs and those planning to start a business in Indiana.
  • EPOP-IN Summary Findings Report
    This comprehensive report describes the survey methodology, key findings on a wide range of measures, and provides detailed data tables by survey item.
  • EPOP-IN Qualitative Research Report
    This report presents the qualitative findings from a series of focus groups and stakeholder interviews with Indiana entrepreneurs.
  • EPOP-IN Methodology Report
    This report describes the quantitative and qualitative data collection methods including the survey sample design, survey instrument, data collection process, data processing, and other research methods implemented.
  • EPOP-IN PUF Data and Documentation
    Public use files (PUFs) of the survey data and data user documentation (including the questionnaire, a codebook, and data user guide) are available in this download.  
Learn More June 8, 2023
Data Dive Webinar on EPOP 2022 Findings

On 10/27/22 the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation hosted a webinar “Data Dive: Year 1 Findings from the NORC Entrepreneurship in the Population Survey.”

The webinar focused on the EPOP Survey data release and initial findings from this new nationally representative survey.  NORC experts discussed entrepreneurship measures useful to both researchers and policymakers.  The Data Dive launched the conversation on using EPOP Survey data to gain a deeper understanding of the complex entrepreneurial pathways at national, state, and local levels. 

Learn More October 27, 2022


Entrepreneurship Experiences Among Young U.S. Immigrants

NORC’s latest research brief “Entrepreneurship Experiences Among Young U.S. Immigrants” provides insight into U.S. immigrants’ experiences with entrepreneurship and challenges faced when pursuing self-employment. Focusing on younger adults under the age of 40, this analysis using EPOP:2022 data finds immigrants are more inclined to start businesses compared to their native-born counterparts. This brief also shows that immigrant business owners struggle with personal finances at a significantly higher rate than native-born business owners. These findings reinforce the importance of considering the unique experiences of immigrant entrepreneurs when developing policies and programs aimed at fostering entrepreneurship.

Learn More July 19, 2024